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September 1, 2008

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August 30, 2008

This just cracked me up!

Credit unknown, copied shamelessly from Hoffmania

Typical GOP logic, given the dearth of ideas, do they really think that just cuz McCain has a woman on the ticket (who is anti-abortion and has ethical issues) that women will vote for him?
That is pretty patronizing, but not a surprise coming from a party mostly dominated by white men who want the right to tell women what they can do with their bodies.

The above picture seems apt considering that McCain who is 72, is 23 years older than the state of Alaska(Sarah Pallin comes from there. It became a state in 1959).

August 22, 2008

For my mum and dad…

I never thought I would post while on a visit to India. The nature of this visit (to see my folks & other family, but more the former) has given me a lot of time to reflect.
It has been hard to see my parents, they are older and more frail since I last saw them. I owe being in a better place in life to their support and their sacrifice, for which I am eternally in their debt.
There have been other regrets and disappointments, much too personal to mention here.
In a sense visiting here has been coming back to my roots, but not in a cultural sense. As important as culture is it pales in comparison to some of the more simple things that make us who we are.. our relationships with our loved ones.
I have not strayed far from my folks place this time. I can see in my mom’s eyes the desire to have me spend as much time at home as possible. She hinted as much when she voiced her sadness at me not having lunch at home one day or me saying no to them wanting to make me my favorite fish curry.
I have had my disagreements with my folks before , but not anymore. It must be hard for them to be on their own with their only son so far away. I am just being around them now. Dealing with a gamut of emotions.
Exploring the city of my birth will have to wait, as will experiencing the wonderful diversity of the cuisine here.
This absent son does not want to stray far this time around. Although mum can barely stand and I can no longer sample her cooking as she is too weak to cook she will in her own inimitable style instruct the woman who comes and cooks for them to ensure that the fish curry is just right.
I have had my issues with my dad, but I have made my peace with him a long time ago. He looks after mum and the house now. I can see why he told me a few weeks back that he does not have as much strength and energy as he used to.
They are not perfect, but they are remarkable people in their own right. They have each taught me some wonderful things about love, sacrifice, hard work and about being altruistic and having a big heart.
When I leave I will do so with a heavy heart, and the hope that I can come visit them again soon.
The photograph you see is taken from where they often sit by the window of their home. It is also where I see them first when they wait for me as I arrive from the airport. It also is where I will turn and look back when I leave and there will be a tear in my eye.
Thank you Aai and Baba for being you and for everything that is right in my life.

August 10, 2008

Return To Blogging?

I am not sure, things are just too busy. Oh well. Very unsettled weather here around Wilmington this Sunday morning. Lots of thunder and lightning, some hail and rain. But the worst seems to be to the South of us.
A picture of the hail from the phone camera (ya it is not the best but whatever..)

July 23, 2008

Looking Presidential

By way of Ben Smith from Politico, the picture below says it all. I will let the sign on the golf cart say it all for McSame. ;).

July 19, 2008

Random Shots…

Snoop Dogg In A Bollywood Video? Cool Eh? Fo’ Shizzle Mah Nizzle
Found this interesting tidbit, by way of the blog “icravebollywood.com“. I don’t particularly crave Bollywood (the Indian version of its not always illustrious counterpart here). But this got me curious so I checked out the music video, and I kinda liked it. πŸ™‚
Snoop as a Sardar? πŸ™‚

Video below

June 28, 2008

Saturday Musings…

My musings have almost died down, partly a function of blogs being blocked at work, long work days and too much going on.

So inspiration strikes this Saturday morning and out comes the stuff below…

  • I want to start blogging and read at least a few blogs everyday. Lets see how that goes. I will get around the blog blocked thingy once I get me a new iphone. πŸ˜‰ Not to mention be taking the train a lot more with lot of time to read what folks have to say and ofcourse read books.

Talking about reading.. started reading

  • Oil on the Brain: Adventures from the Pump to the Pipeline by Lisa Margonelli
  • Just finished the first chapter, this is a good read and seems so relevant these days with high gas prices and all. What you did not see it coming? Some people did. I am looking at 200$ a barrel at some point. Been reading the posts of Jerome a Paris for a while now on Daily Kos for a while now. He has been talking about this for a couple of years now and scary part is it is coming out to be true. He works in the energy banking sector knows what he is talking about. That link explains it way better than I could here. To those who think prices will come down .. two words “ain’t happening”!
  • One of the neighbors across the street has a bumper sticker on her SUV “Nobama”. Heh! Guess they ain’t fans of Obama. Saw a “McCain” bumper sticker too on the SUV and the other mini-van. Guess they finally got fed up of seeing the Obama placard in our window and the sticker on the car. Sadly the neighbors are outnumbered two houses on either side of us got Obama gear on their cars. πŸ˜‰

And Rob, if you are reading this.. good time to be voting democratic you know? πŸ™‚

Nice Ad (No it is not an ad for a face lift) πŸ™‚
By way of advert-eyes

To quote Zed the author of the blog where I found this ad…

By showing some bad results from people that had plastic surgeries, they are telling us that only the creators of a product know how to fix it properly. Maybe meaning god in these examples (I don’t think it means the parents) πŸ˜‰ The copy reads exactly: “If it’s not fixed by the one who made it, it probably won’t work. Nobody knows better your Chevrolet than its creators.”
Client: Chevrolet
Agency: McCann Erickson, Buenos Aires
Creative Director: Papon Ricciarelli / Chavo Demilio
Copywriter: Rodrigo Polignano
Art Director: Mariano Legname

June 9, 2008

No Reason Post..

When I watched the trailer for the Mike Myer’s movie “The Love Guru“, I was cracking up. I found it hilarious.

I don’t always like Bill Maher, but I will watch “Religulous

Those McCain supporters sure look energized!

June 3, 2008

Little India restaurant: Chicken Sutra

Yes.. I kid you not! What you see below is an ad by McCann Erickson for an Indian restaurant in Geneva. By way of Scaryideas.com and copyranter

I don’t know about you, but seeing an ad with headless chickens making out does not get either my digestive or any other juices flowing!

May 28, 2008

Gas Prices?

The image below by way of this post by Meteor Blades (hat tip to A. Siegel for the graphic) at Daily Kos says it all. Some people going to desperate lengths for gas…

As gas prices soar, thieves grow more brazen.

…police in Denver are investigating a rash of of incidents in which thieves drill small holes into gas tanks and siphon off the fuel. “This is clearly not the way it’s been done in the past, by taking a hose and putting it in a gas tank,” police Detective John White said.


WTF indeed, as someone pointed out oil was about $33 before this stupid war in Iraq began it is past $133 now. The war has cost at least a Trillion dollars (direct and indirect costs) and I guess the folks who said the war would be paid for with Iraqi oil money are awfully fucking quiet now.